Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Long Term Benefits of a Therapeutic Mobility Device

Why a bicycle? (Therapeutic Mobility Device)
There are many short and long-term benefits. These benefits include:

* Bone Growth
* Strengthening of anti-gravity muscles
* Development of hand/eye coordination
* Opportunity for cognitive growth
* Respiratory activity
* Development of Head & Trunk control
* Social Acceptance
* Improved self-esteem-will allow Monte to participate in activities his peers are able to do, giving him confidence, increased social opportunities, and opportunity for cognitive growth. As he is able to pedal it independently he will experience great success and freedom.

Cardiovascular health-the therapeutic mobility device will give Monte the opportunity to strengthen his cardiopulmonary system by using his larger leg muscles for repetitive motions. Also promotes better breathing and respiratory activity.
Joint range of motion-especially of his hips and knees through the pedaling action. This will prevent lower extremity contractures and orthopedic deformities.

The Amazing Bicycle


Find us online!

We've been added to Ozark Mountain Ridge Runners Race Information online, and in their newsletter. Here's the link!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Here's the Flyer!

Please click the picture above to make it full size, then you can print it to fill it out and send it in!

Friday, April 15, 2011

Miles 4 Monte

We're so excited to introduce "Miles 4 Monte!"
We are the family of the amazing Monte, a wonderful son who has endured a great deal of misery in his 9 years so far. He has had 29 brain surgeries and 3 spine surgeries...and many more. He suffers gracefully through daily muscle spasms and contractures. While he doesn't always get to live the life of a typical 9 year old, he has many similar hobbies and dreams. Monte loves to swim, swing, eat ice cream, and listen and dance to music. He has been able to practice riding a special bicycle...and he loved it! He was able to peddle so fast he felt as if he was flying! Perfect for our little superman.
We have the fun opportunity of running around the track in the mornings with Monte's classmates in a program called "Miles for Smiles."
This year we were invited to partner with Monte's fabulous school, Branson Elementary West for a 5K event to promote "Miles for Smiles" and healthy children and families.
Here's the REALLY cool part: All of the proceeds of the event will go toward the purchase of Monte's new bike. We're thrilled to invite everyone to come on May 20th and participate in this fun family night. More details are provided on the pdf flyer file. Post any questions you have, we'll respond! Please also visit and "like" us on Facebook!!

Miles for Smiles 2010

Here's us at last year's "Miles for Smiles" event with Branson Elementary West. It was in November, and freezing cold, but we all had fun! Piper was thrilled to ride in the stroller, Monte and Doug finished together and were so fast! I was pushing Piper a bit slowly...I'd been up with Monte really late the night before...and wasn't so "peppy." Piper kept asking, "Mom, are you ok? Why are we going so slow? Are we walking up the hills?" I'm hoping to be faster and beat my time this year!

Trying out a bike!